Archive for the 'Illustrations' Category


Skyrim Argonian

Alright, so I admit. Between working theres been an awful lot of Skyrim. And I mean a lot. So its really only natural I’ve sat and doodled my main character a few times. Though nothing had progressed past sketches. So I decided to actually sit down and paint something properly, and that thing was my mage Argonian.
After 3 days of working (albeit, not constantly) I finally put down my tablet for the last time and called it finished.
I’ll be the first to admit its hardly perfect,  there are a few areas in particular that I find weak. But I’m happy enough with the rest to overlook those, and use it as experience in the future.

Photoshop CS4, lineless painting.

The professional portfolio of Jodie Ford, a student games developer/ artist from London.
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